• We will process the order within 1-3 business days after payment.
  • The delivery time depends on different shipping methods. Express shipping: Within 3-7 business days. Standard shipping: Within 7-15 business days after shipment.
  • Delivery can take longer during peak periods or if your parcel is being checked by customs. It may be delayed for 5 business days for any special situations. While we do all we can to ensure your order is delivered on time, we cannot be held responsible for any late delivery or failure to deliver due to circumstances beyond our control.
  • There is a very limited time in which you can change the shipping address.If your order hasn't shipped yet,please contact our customer service team with the order number to change the shipping address.
  • We're sorry that the shipping address can't be changed if the order is shipped.
  • There is a very limited time in which you can modify/cancel the order after payment.If your order hasn't shipped yet,please contact our customer service team with the order number about the modification/cancellation.
  • We're sorry that the order can't be modified/canceled if the order is shipped.
  • Orders above $75 USD, get free shipping! For orders under $75 USD, our standard shipping is a flat $9.98 USD.
  • You can click <HERE> or "Track Order" in the footer to enter the inquiry page, fill in your Tracking Number or Order Number for inquiry.
  • Green Shipping Protection is a service provided by Seel. It covers shipment delayed, package damaged, and items lost that meet the following criteria. Up to full compensation is available. The cost of Buyer Protection depends on the currency that the store uses.


  • Applying a promotion code is simple! At Checkout, simply type the code into the box that says “Promo Code.” Then, click the button that says “Apply.” All promotion codes can only be used once.
  • We accept PayPal, AMEX, Apple Pay, Diners Club, Discover, Shop Pay, Google Pay, Mastercard, Visa, Meta Pay, Bancontact, iDEAL.
  • When you place an order, Dolinhomes contacts the bank that issued your card to confirm your account and reserve funds for your purchase. You’ll see a pending charge, also called an authorization charge in your bank or credit card account. We only charge your payment method when your items ship.
  • We're sorry that we odn't accept cash on delivery so far. You can place order on our website directly, then we will arrange shipment for you soon.
  • Our checkout is easy, fast, and secure. Enter your shipping address and payment method, then place your order!


  • We offer a 30-day money back guarantee from the date when the order is delivered. Please contact info@dolinhomes.com if you want to return the order.
  • For more information, please check here. View More →
  • Please contact our customer service team with the order number and prodcut picture. Our customer service team will solve it for you. info@dolinhomes.com


  • Customer service hours are Mon-Fri, 09:00 am - 05:00 pm (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time (Shang hai)
  • Your privacy is very important to us. Read our Privacy Policy for more details.


  • Due to the nature of hand-measuring our products, there may be a slight deviation in measurements ranging from 1-3cm. We strive to provide the most accurate dimensions possible, but slight variances can occur. Please base your expectations on the actual product received, and rest assured that any minor difference in size does not affect the product's quality or usability.
  • The variation in color between the product images on our website and the actual item you receive can be attributed to several factors, including weather conditions at the time of the photo shoot and differences in lighting. Additionally, the display settings on various devices can affect how colors appear. While we make every effort to accurately represent our products, slight variations in color are possible due to these external factors.


  • Business Email: info@dolinhomes.com
  • Service Hours: Mon-Fri, 09:00 am - 05:00 pm (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time (Shang hai)